5 Ways to Make Sure Your Candidates Will Match Your Company’s Culture

06.14.18 | Company Culture, Looking to Hire

Every hiring team is looking for certain attributes when screening candidates. Naturally skill level and qualification take top spots in the criteria, but extending an offer isn’t based on what they can offer alone. Before you hire someone, you want to make sure they can fit with your company culture. If you don’t test them against your culture, you may find yourself hiring the best person who’s simply the wrong fit for your company. To avoid this, here are five ways to make sure your candidates will match your company’s culture.

1. Define your culture.

Before you can look for someone to fit your culture, you must be able to define your culture. You need to start with the mission or vision for your organization because this will drive all you do. From here, consider how all the other personalities factor into your workspace and think about the type of person who would fit in with everyone else. Once you know who you’re looking for, they will be easier to find.

2. Insert your tone into the job listing.

Applicants should be introduced to your culture before entering your office or even browsing your website. Certain aspects of your tone in the job post should reflect who you are through specific phrases and word choice. This will help you down the line because some job seekers may read the post and realize it isn’t the right vibe for what they’re looking for, saving you screening time later. On the flipside, you might attract the best talent because of what you represent.

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3. Ask targeted questions during the interview.

You want to see if this person will fit, but it isn’t enough to simply ask if the person thinks they would fit. You need to learn more about previous experience and environments, as well as leading questions about hobbies or success stories that can help paint a picture of who your candidate really is behind the interview façade.

4. Make your culture evident during the interview.

Once you’ve learned more about the candidate, discuss your culture and explain the type of candidate you desire. Pay attention to body language and expression as they listen. The interviewee may say one thing, but their involuntary reactions can tell you the truth and help you discern whether or not they’re the right fit for you.

5. Bring in potential co-workers for the second interview,

At the end of the day, the best way to see if someone will fit is to have them talk to the people they might be working with. If the applicant is invited back for a second interview, set it up to be with someone else in the department. This will help the interviewee in learning more about the specifics of the position and provide additional feedback for you to decide if they are the new employee you’ve been looking for.

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